Strength and Conditioning

What is Collaborate Sports?
Collaborate Sports focuses on providing personal development opportunities to practitioners who want to maximise their effectiveness in their performance environments.
Dan Howells created Collaborate Sports to provide immersive and interactive personal development opportunities for practitioners in to engage in. With over 15 years of experience in elite sports, Dan aims to use his extensive experience to develop the practitioners of tomorrow.
Why was Collaborate Sports created?
Collaborate Sports was created to allow users to experience an interactive type of personal development alongside other practitioners, as opposed to pre-recorded courses or lecture-style learning. Problem-solving in performance settings is an exciting challenge, but the speed at which you can act on potential solutions is often limited by experience in the field being low.
So, by bringing practitioners together to discuss areas of personal development, growth occurs from discussion and sharing of experiences, in a mentorship capacity.
How do Collaborate Sports programmes and events work?
Collaborate Sports is based on interactive group learning.
Each event has the same goal in mind: Utilise as many experiences from fellow practitioners in an interactive group setting to enhance your opportunity for success in performance environments.
What Strength & Conditioning Development Opportunities are available?
Specific to Strength and Conditioning, Dan has created a 6-month group mentorship programme to help practitioners develop a principle-based approach to technical personal development.
With so much valuable information in this area currently available, it’s hard to know what is right and wrong!
Well, it all depends on the context. Context drives content and decision-making,
So, the group mentorship helps guide you through key areas of S&C technical competence by helping you establish your principles, which in turn helps you decide what is the right method or approach for the challenge and problem in front of you.
Everything is focused on collaboration, discussion, and reflection, to make the development real world, and actionable tomorrow!
The programme starts in January and July of each year with enrolment in the 2 months prior to these start months.
The 6 monthly Programme consists of:
- 2hr monthly meetings in Key areas:
- Month 1 - Creating Impact via Reverse Engineering
- Month 2 - Speed, Agility, & Change of Direction Principles and Application
- Month 3 - Energy System Development Frameworks to Inform Programming Design
- Month 4 - Strength & Power Development Principles and Application
- Month 5 - Embedding Sports Science to Inform Daily Decision making
- Month 6 - Applying Principles to an Overall Performance Plan
- 6 months of personal mentorship from Dan Howells
- Peer-to-peer support and collaboration with 10-20 other practitioners in your cohort
- BONUS material and support from other elite practitioners in the field of Strength & Conditioning
- Access to technology for free to give you the experience of data and information collected in elite sports.
If this is of interest to you, you can gain more information here:
Where you can also download an ebook.
Collaborate Sports also runs FREE monthly Interactive Webinars that discuss key areas of high performance, which you can see here:
Sign up for email updates via the website and receive weekly actionable advice from Dan himself.
Who would this be beneficial for?
Any strength and conditioning coach, rehab coach or physiotherapist will benefit from this development opportunity. As a developing practitioner, now is the time to create extreme clarity in principles to enhance your decision-making and set yourself apart from peers in your competitive industry.