How it works

Designed to enhance the process in which opportunities are shared, and students placed into relevant positions within the sports and health industry.
Learning, and sharing knowledge plays a huge part in what we offer, making it insightful and informative to both the employer and student.
Follow the steps below to see how Edexpro can help you build knowledge and find opportunities that will take you a step closer to your desired career.
Profile Page
This is the start of your journey, make sure you keep your profile up to date and include all of the following: - University courses and modules, qualifications such as coaching badges and first aid. If you have a level 3 in football, make sure you also add your level 1 and 2 as this will help you in the job searches.

Profile Video
It’s time to create your bio, but not by text. Industry would like to see what you’re like as a person, create a video and maybe discuss the following, what you are studying, qualifications you have and plan to obtain, your goals and aspirations, positions you are looking for, what you can bring to an organisation or department. Above all, be yourself as that’s what industry wants to see.
To maximise the power of this platform, you will need to create your own private YouTube channel. Edexpro is about creating insights, insight into your chosen industry, but also an insight into you and your skillset. It is an area where you can film yourself giving a presentation at University or running a coaching session so industry can see both your technical and social skills. All you have to do is create the video and upload the link into your profile.

Job Search
Every opportunity will have your compatibility rating against it so you can see what jobs fit your current skill set and qualifications. Once you find a position that you are compatible with or interested in, you can apply. You can also change the filters and keywords to find different opportunities.
You can apply for any position that you feel will help you gain more experience and ultimately make you more valuable to a potential employer.
Industry will range from Elite to grassroots in a multitude of sports with a focus in the following areas - Performance analysis, coaching, strength and conditioning, physiotherapy, psychology, nutrition, sports data, scouting and technology.
Tracking your opportunities
In your profile under the job application section, you will see the positions you have applied for. It will show your application status and overall job status. You need to know where you stand with every opportunity so you can accept or search for the next.

Industry searching you
Employers will see who has applied for a position and what their compatibility rating is, they can view your profile to watch your bio and read through your experiences and qualifications. The people they feel can add value to their department will be the ones they connect with. If they feel the need to search again, they will change the filters to populate more candidates.
We have introduced an assessment for every placement or work experience you undertake; this enables the employer to assess your technical and social skills. It will now advance the employer's search options to include placement experience as well as your qualifications. The more experiences you do with a high score will reflect favourably on your compatibility rating.