
The Physical Preparation of Taekwondo Athletes For Performance Impact

25 October 2021

Olympic Webinar Series – The Physical Preparation of Taekwondo Athletes for Performance Impact

Collaborator: Rhys Ingram, Lead Strength & Conditioning Coach for GB Taekwondo


Date: ONLINE Wednesday 3rd November 2021 - 7.00pm GMT

Rhys Ingram is a Senior Strength & Conditioning Coach for the English institute of Sport, working specifically as the Lead S&C practitioner with GB Taekwondo. As part of the Interactive Webinar Olympic Series, Rhys will share content on how he prepares Taekwondo athletes for major competitions. The session will aim to set the scene in terms of the needs analysis of the sport, before focusing more content towards specific energy system development and specific strength training methods for taekwondo athletes, all with performance impact in mind

As part of the session, attendees will be able to:

Observe and discuss the event schedule, macrocycle and microcycles of a typical taekwondo competition calendar

Discuss the potential options for energy system development for the sport and learn the specific approach taken with elite athletes for this area of physical development

Hear about the importance of defining sports specific strength in a Taekwondo athletes physical journey, and differentiating between the importance of global strength versus position/movement specific strength

Learn about the specific strength methods used for impact within Taekwondo performance


As always, the event will be an opportunity to network and meet and hear from other practitioners in an interactive and collaborative manner.

Event Duration: approximately 120mins

Ticket Costs:

Early Bird - £10.00 GBP